Reflection: Feast of the Passing of St. Benedict, March 21, 2024

By Sr. Susan Hutchens, Prioress

Each day since Lent began, at the beginning of Lauds we have been reading about Wisdom – not just wisdom in a generic sense, but the Wisdom needed by a Benedictine community – not only for the wisdom of the Prioress, to assure that the community runs smoothly and is in keeping with the Rule; but the wisdom needed by ALL the members in order to choose a Prioress, and to live according to the Rule as Benedict foresaw it over 1500 years ago.

Of course, the greatest bearer and sharer of wisdom was Jesus – through his words: think Sermon on the Mount; through his actions: think of how he handled the woman caught in adultery, without judgment, but with compassion and understanding; or of how he handled the disciples when the sea was riled up and they were frightened. He simply questioned them about their faith and trust in God. Jesus is the first and foremost teacher of wisdom, and it was Jesus Christ who inspired Benedict to form and lead a community by way of wisdom in his Rule.

Tomorrow’s reading from Ephesians tells us to pray at every opportunity in the Spirit. Benedict began the Rule with that same injunction: “First of all, every time you begin a good work you must pray earnestly that Christ will bring it to perfection.” Truly a wise idea and practice.

We are busy about much good work every day. Maybe not in the way we once were when more of us were out on mission. But our work is no less valuable in the eyes of Christ, if it is done for the glory of God.

Our work now is a living and sharing of the values we hold dear: Prayer, both communal and private; Community: continuing to be one with each other in our love of this monastic life; Hospitality: opening our hearts, and often our home. to those we both know and don’t know, but who cross our threshold each day; it requires effort, constant effort, to include all, to reach out and help when needed, to assist others on their journey to God. Peace and Justice: to be open to seeing injustice and helping to right it when it crosses our path physically or otherwise; to being a peace-maker when necessary; and to Care for All of Creation because it is God’s gift to our world, and we are the recipients of it for others, not just for ourselves.

This is our work today.

The Rule is filled with wisdom about prayer, community, hospitality, peace, justice, and care for all created things.

Benedict in his own wisdom told us one thing: Prefer nothing to Christ.

Do we need more? In our poverty as humans, YES we do – we need the entire Rule - all of it! and for that we say “Thank you Benedict!”

As we join in prayer this evening on the Vigil of the Passing of Benedict into eternal life with God – we know that the same vision Benedict had of life in communion with one another here, and in communion with God in eternity, is our vision too. Let us live that vision, and while we do, truly give thanks and rejoice!


Sister Susan Hutchens, OSB, Re-Elected as Prioress


Lent as a New Way of Being